Staff-FTP *FREEWARE* - Staff-FTP ReadMe ------------------ License ------- FREEWARE since v2.60 ... have fun. About ----- Staff-FTP is an ftp-client which uses the common File-Transfer-Protocol to upload or download files from/to the internet. Among the standard options like up/download, query, sitemanager, browseable windows and almost every other options you will find in other ftp-clients, you will get some special options like - fxp (server-to-server-transfer) - TLS/SSL encryption - custom commands (for special ftp-servers (Raiden,Serv-U,glftpd...) - "Tree-Building" of ftp-directories - URL-Importer - FXP-Status (the first ftp-client which does this) - colours in ftp-results (if ftp-server supports it / again the only one who does this) - Ident-Server (for more secure access) - Automaticly checks if CRC is correct (sfv-file must be present) - scripts Everyone who manages ftp-accounts over the "site-command" will love this program (I started to code this program with this option in mind). Nearly all is configurable (either over a menu or by editing commands.ini-file). History ------- v2.91 - minor bugs fixed - setup doesnt overwrite config-files v2.90 - proper french translation (tnx G. for it) - all the bugs from beta version fixed (those who have been reported) - speed up in whole engine v2.89 *testing* - fixed some bugs - ssl completly redone - crypted dl/ul possible now - some new options for proxys v2.85 - some small fixes in gui - speedup on tls/ssl - new skin added (default one now) v2.84 - proxy-pw-problems fixed - speedup on proxys - bug with resume fixed v2.83 - speed optimized and cpu usaged lowered v2.82 - bug with incomplete-detection fixed (tnx to shockin) v2.81 - bug with mp3-genre-detection fixed (tnx to shockin and lskywalker70 from forum) v2.80 - speed improved - PRET can be enabled in options from sitemanager - smaller bugs fixed v2.79.2 - bug with flash-fxp import was fixed - "Full-Speed" in options removed (was useless with current engine) v2.79 - faster tls/ssl - many smaller fixes v2.78 - some minor bugs fixed - dirsize in listing - timeout-bug fixed v2.77 - no delay on startup if server with updates is down - TLS/SSL made faster - uncountable bugs fixed - some nasty bugs fixed - scripts can now have "VAR i=$anothervar + 1" or simula - *NOTE* this is just a "bugfix-release" of the old engine. The new one will be complete different so all the nice features from the beta-rls (i wrote about the features on board) arn't included in this release. IM BUSY AND CODING IT!!! v2.76 - bug with progrssbar fixed - some minor bugs fixed aswell v2.75 - most bugs wich have been mentioned on Board fixed - lots of new features added - new OpenFTPD-Commands added (tnx to HostBuster) - many more bugsd fixed ;) - speedup in fxp/dl and ul - ...well unfortunattly i didnt write the new stuff down as i should you might find out it sooner or later whats new v2.74 - several small bugs fixed (option key-navigation, - Bind to IP is now a variable setting - ident+2nd login bug fixed - hmm lots of others mentioned on the web-board ;) v2.73 - several small bugs fixed - even more dirlistings supported v2.72 - internal version v2.71 - cosmetic changes v2.70 - more formats for "strange dirlistings" - added support for background-colors in ftp-response v2.69 - wohhahaa god damn...a horrible bug in last version *fixed* v2.68 - Options-Form rebuilded and hopefully its more useable now - some smaller stuff fixed * language-files need to be redone in next version... * * if you feel like helping me let me know ************* v2.67 - a "freez-bug" fixed - sounds on connect fixed - some more tuneups on script-language v2.66 - TryHint updated with more infos - last-custom-command-position will be saved - for sitecommands (popup/custom buttons) you can use now in string this will be asked by the program before execution v2.65 *not offical released* - FTP-Search-Engines updated (Web-Tab) - Icons for Custom-Commands - some fixes in status v2.64.1-4 *not offical released* - openssl updated - tried to fix all the bugs wich ppl repored (list was long) - custom-commands really rock now!!! - speed improved alot v2.63 - New: "Skip (possible) Nukes" in Skiplist This will not upload NUKEs (either nuked on ul/dl-site) and will not upload releases that are tagged as PROPER or REPACK on ul-site. - fixed a small bug with links+double-click (damn stupid one) v2.62 - fixed skin-loading bug v2.61 - Update-check (turn off in options if you dont want it) - added some more script-commands - u can add pathes in skiplist aswell now e.g. */0day/????/*/*.nfo v2.60 - *Its now freeware* I decided to make it freeware. Many groups tried to crack this and failed. there was only one fully working rls by a group called pdx (only a patch no keygen or something). If anyone is interisted in the protection let me know...seems to be very usefull hehe. Anyway I decided to give someting back to the *world*. i dont need to make money out of a program i have fun with coding. And its a shame that not many ppl think like that. - added support for PRET ( - added some more script-commands - fixed several bugs (to much to list) - speed-ups everywhere - put some new bugs in (im sure yes) ;) - updated ssl-dlls v2.59 - faster in all aspects from dirlisting to transfers (for full ul-speed/100%cpu turn "Full speed" in options on...fxp/dl is alwas fastest) - profiles - lots of bugs fixed - engl. language updated (others still need work) - ... v2.58 - fixed some bugs in tls/ssl-fxp - fixed some other small bugs v2.57 - added TLS/SSL-FXP (if supported by servers) v2.56 - added many more options in skiplists and also fixed alot of bugs there (still some left i fear) - highlighting added. if something matches a given mask, then it will be shown in a different color. - fixed a bug in uploading on very fast sites (no fxp) - many many new options and alot done in improving the stability Note: A big tnx gos out to a friend i talked to the last days (you know who u are). All your debuging and bug-reports helped alot and without you all those tiny (and big) bugs would never ever been fixed by me. Btw.: some items from that buglist need some more work. v2.52 - skiplists for sites in u never ul/fxp the wrong things - some more script commands - very stable - fixed bug in ul-speed - ... v2.49 - NEW option in sitemanager. From nowon you can setup a spezial skiplist for sites (mp3-genres, types, years...) - fixed some other parts i cant remember...but sftp is damn stable now (at least for me) v2.48 - filesize-display back on local disks fixed (tnx to mave/togg) - some changes in STRG+o - some bugs according to ident-server / tls fixed v2.47 - speed improves - script-engine works again (somehow during 2.43 and 2.45 something went wrong) - better custom-commands v2.46 - unreleased v2.45 - fixed some VMS-dir-display-errors - if you turn on "Stealth Dir Listing" then the dirs get displayed while the ftp-server is still transfering it. - again lots of small errors fixed v2.44 - internal release v2.43 - much better web-interface (progressbar, bookmarks from opera (!) and ie...netscape maybe later) v2.42 - lots of small bugs fixed - added multibnc-support for custom-command! v2.41 - i worked abit on the commands.ini are the flags u can use try useredit -> flags to see what i mean ;) u will love it as a siteop - u can also execute more then one command now...just seperate them by ";" in commands.ini - new option: skiplist -> dont upload nfo/diz on zip-dirs (we all know for what that maybe good) - lots of bugs fixed (yea im repeating myselfe) v2.40 - many bug-fixes in sitemaneger (i changed structure last time and forgot to save states) - alternative fxp-transfers in sitemanager...if you have problems in fxp'ing try those options. - german language-file updated * started on help-pages...if someone is interested in doing them (html) i * will give him the pics + txt ;-) v2.39 - "On Connect" in u can auto-perform stuff for your sites. - FORCE-option for TLS/SSL - many many bugs fixed. - QUick-Connect on remote-dir-popup - turn of splash in options - more script-optons - alot of nice small features added - ..... v2.38 - Ability to set port-range for non passv-connections (usefull for firewall-problems) - move on drag/drop - Stealth dirlist implanted (supported by linux-ftpd's) tnx alot to Hoe for showing us this in his pftpfxp source. stealth dirlist is faster and is more secure (if crypted) - many many bugfixes again. v2.37 - cache of directorylistings (turn off in options if you dont like it) - more problems with TLS fixed (RaidenFTPd with TLS doesnt followed the standards) - bookmarks added...use them in popup-window in dirlisting (must be edited in sitemanager) - useage of 00index or alike files to diplay description ass tooltip (turn off in options if you dont like it) v2.36 - some problems with Proxy-servers+TLS/SSL fixed - passive+TLS/SSL should work again v2.35 - TLS/SSL support without external wrapper. All the credits for this nice feature go to ZeroLan. Many Many tnx for this. Where would i be without u. ;) Anyway I also would like to tnx Hoe for letting me use this wrapper till v2.35. - Many bugs fixed (no much to mention *hohoho*) - Ability to switch some components off like LogWindow or WebBrowser to have more space. * The first cracked version was released with this version in the so * called release-scene Staff-FTP.v2.35.Winall.Cracked-ToTem. It was very * good cracked. Well not 100% (some checks missed), but well done guys. * If you like plz contact me to discuss securety abit. Many groups tried * before and failed (Core, Energy...). In my eys noone can avoid a * sotware from beeing cracked so i dont care alot. But for me its a * challange of coding * a better protection instead of bitching with the crackers i like * to work together with them. v2.34 - minor bugs fixed v2.33 - problems with Option-saveing fixed - minimize-on-query-bug fixed - rename-extention-bug fixed - NEW NEW NEW: a nice feature added wich will check an mp3-dir if it fits your needs (genre, type, year) and will either download or skip it. v2.32 - small bug with new OK-Error-Options fixed v2.31 - new script commands - bug with dir-deleting fixed v2.30 - basic script-language implanted - italien language added - two new skins by Fans added (tnx alot) - lots of bugs fixed - less memory usage - faster - more sexy ;) v2.29 - site list bug fixed v2.28 - 2001 -> 2002 "bug" fixed - smarter usage of cpu-resources - "site list" command implanted this one is used by some glftpd-servers. It gets the dir-listing through the command-channel...this makes it possible for FXP'ers to work with servers where they normally cant open any data-channel to. - small bugs fixed - support for RaidenFTPd added (custom commands) v2.27 - advanced options in sitemanager do work on change again - sort-options will be remembered - SmallDos-font will be installed. Use it in statusmemo to get better output (especially with file_id.diz-displays) - small bugs fixed v2.26 - better memorymanageing - fixed some bugs with 100MBit networks and above. - order-button-bug fixed (damn im stupid) v2.25 - size of Dirs added...means it will not display the size of the dir, but will display how many subdirs maybe in that one (if supported by server). - new wrapper-version added (BIIIIGG tnx to Hoe again) - small minor bugs fixed v2.24 - quit-bug fixed - some other small bugs fixed - query can be aligned left to the log-window now v2.23 - some bugs fixed v2.22 - advanced options in sitemanager do also affect stuff in que and history - as always lots of bugs runes now very very stable (on my system) in the past it sometimes happendt that the ident-server crashed the hole app or some dir-lists. this is all rewritten and should work like a sharm (well u will know in next version haha). v2.21 - buhhhh shite i cant remember...went out to friends only v2.20 - to run stable....well almost ;) - lots of bugs fixed - advanced options in sitemanager - lots of small things added/improved (my brain is small) v2.19 - small bugs fixed v2.18 - I tried my best to include TLS-support but failed to several resons but then I found this nice SSLWrapper from Hoe on If you choose "WinSSLWrap (TLS)" from options -> connection -> proxy-box, you can use this nice feature which will encrypt all your connections if the server supports it. - custom buttons - many many bugs fixed v2.17 [internal] v2.16 - small bugs fixed again v2.15 - better fxp-stats - password at startup if wanted (sites are crypted also then) - small buggs fixed - problems with Win_NT-ftps fixed v2.14 - better fxp-stats - external file-drop possible - rename-extention and skiplist works again - many small improvements v2.13 - zip-password crc check is ok now - icon-lost bug seems to be fixed now v2.12 - Web-Tab - Web-Search - Help-page (just started) - small bugs fixed I HOPE (tnx to digi, fire and p*ris) v2.11 - skin-support added (well i started) You can now create your own set of icons, and logos (fonts and colors also). Just have a look in the examble-skins. - minor bugs fixed v2.10 - finally, nomore 100% CPU time...I got it down to 3-10%...thank god there are good profilers out - internal text-viewer - acsii-transfer-list - new design (tnx to bl**kbl*e) - flashFXP-import with nogroups works again (tnx to p*r*si*ht) v2.06-09 - internal versions v2.05 - CRC32-check added (sfv-file must be present) - small bug with "add to query" fixed v2.04 - Pasv works now when data-address != controll-address (bouncers) - many small bugs fixed again - Language a bit corrected (tnx to b**ns and H**er) v2.03 - xdupe support (glftpd-feature) - many many bugs fixed (smaller once) - glftpd-support (commands.ini verymuch impoved) - lots of smaller things updated - much faster - ftp status much better v2.02 - some bugs fixed - link resolving - about screen - some major ftp handeling fixed - ... - Portuguese as new langue added v2.01 - changes of fonts do work also under win2k now (Ggrrrr how i hate that!) - mainmenu (commands and queue) do not simulate the popup anymore well i was a lazy guy but now its a dynamicly generated one depending on the window u are in (fxp, local, ftp) - smaller bugs v2.00 [BIG UPDATE] - Almost every aspect of this program has been updated like hell Im trying to remember... - Languages to choose from (English, German and Frensh included) U can add your own language by translating the contents of "english.lng" into a new file with a LNG-Extention. If you do pleas send them to me so we can provide this language to others. - beautifull icons done by a great friend (skinable engine will come) - New custom commends for "On Connect" and "On Disconnect" - many many bugs removed - better speed - better shortcuts (i hope) - even better status at fxp-transfer [no other client can beat this] So thats it my brain has gone empty. But belive me I improved alot. v1.23 - color of statusbar changeable - small buggs again - 10sec delay for shareware w0rks on ENTER again...tnx to Mr.Eiffel ;) - phuu well maybe much more v1.22 - many small bugs fixed like copy link on fxp-query - file-exist detection improved - RAW-Directory view implanted - hmm maybe much much more, but i cant remember all the changes sorry. u may see them ;) v1.21 - fxp-status is again improved - rename-extentions improved - some small buggs fixed v1.20 - many things fixed and optimized (cant remember them all) v1.19 - Win2k Bug fixed v1.18 - fix: tempfile clear bug at close of program - fix: avg stats reset on new connection - change: link recover changed so even its a file it will now be resolved as dir like all clients do it, also the old methode was correct i decided to change it since when u have a site with many dir-links its very annoing and how will link a file anyway ;) - stats on transfer even better v1.17 - fix: delete-item on popup-menu is now enabled if dir is selected - new: search for files on ftp - fix: rename on box at ftp - new: serv-u commands added - support of server-transfer response (tried on serv-u) -> this is very usefull for fxp-transfer if one of the sites is a Serv-U server (turn feature on in custom commands) - update: much better stats on fxp-transfer (2nd login must still be tested) - fix: end of fxp was not recogniced sometimes - new: at commands.ini you can now define a value called versionstring this defines if a section should be showen on a spezial server (version) only - new: "refresh directory" option in commands.ini - new: support for "Broker FTP"-server v1.16 - fixed: abor on own site command - fixed: commands menu with "Test"-entry (yea my style to debug sorry) - fixed: save of siteinfos - fixed: Drag&Drop behaviour - new option: 2nd login on fxp for stats - new option: ul/dl sfv-file first - new option: sound on some events - new option: auto save of querylist - new: Save Tree -> Make Tree + A form where you can choose the dir on click - CPU-load doesnt seam to be a problem anymore since its going down if another program needs CPU-time (tnx c****z) - Memory hole isn't a memoryhole at all...its the client that needs so much memory. To avoid this problem just increese the swap-file under windows or get more memory. I know, not a good solution so I try my best to reduce memory-needs in the future. v1.15 - fixed some conflicts with fxp - stats for fxp-transfer (very difficult and often not right but its impossible to get those needed values without some tricks (2nd login)) - new options: 2nd login on fxp-transfer - new options: close favorites on connect v1.14 (now Shareware) - well I added a small protection cuz its shareware now - design changed a bit - small errors fixed v1.13 - less cpu-load...C****z discovered that the problem of loading more than one client is not a memory-problem but cpu-load...i couldn't fix it for now but have found some stuff to resuce cpu-load a bit. - much less GDI-memory needed v1.12 - fxp support completly rewritten - G6-Server commends - ask for "doppled Query"-entries (turn off on options) v1.11 - ident before ip xxxxx@xxx.xx.xx possible if u enable the ident-server in options - some minor buggs fixed v1.10 - FXP support - jup again many buggs fixed - crash on fast networks fixed - better "custom command" support (still some stuff in my head) - mor style-config - ....brain is empty also there was soooo much more changed..... v1.0x - internal versions for friends v1.04 - again manny bugs fixed....will this ever end :-/ *schnief* - design changed a bit - custom commands will be sorted alphabetecly now - proxys and socks implanted but not tested since I have no access to one Please test this. v1.03 - only speziel friends got this v1.02 - many bugs fixed again :) v1.00 - many many bugs fixed as always....and its now time to go out of beta ;) v0.98 - another stack-overflow bug fixed - save of column-size - default localdir not exist bug fixed - dir-links resoled correctly - minor bugs fixed v0.97 - finally a big bug is fixed...the stack-overflow-bug when u had high traffic over 500kb/s - many small bugs fixed...time to get out of beta as soon as i get the memory-hole problem fixed ;-) v0.96 [not sure but i guess i only gave it to friends] - no sections-section in commands.ini - stack-overflow on fast networks fixed (i hope) <- in v0.97 fixed again - memory-bug fixed (i hope) <- nope does still exists :( - code heavyly optimized - commands more flexible (errorchecking improved) v0.95 - "connect fron manager + exit" bug fixed - sitemanger: siterename works now - dir on g6-server bug fixed - sort by release-groups - save of last choosed site in sitemanager - fixed several small bugs - default local path is in use now :-/ - exit on transfer ask fixed - reversesort is just like in explorer now when klicking on the labers in the table - more "can't send command - not connected bugs" fixed - compare exception bug fixed - antiidle stuff fixed - custom commands:- warning if not all entered correctly - other color if a field is not needed to enter - check if numbersonly (see commands.ini for new options) v0.94 - abort-function extendet - clipboard bug fixed - sort by status in query now more useable since the time is used v0.93 - timeout wasn't saved....fixed - small bug with url-adding fixed (added to much sites also they had the same host) - icons to show status about ftp-activities v0.92 - ability to import sites (in sitemanager) from webpages + LeapFTP - ftp-state is shown in statusbar v0.91 public beta - emtpy directorys will be skiped if wanted (finally) this works also recursively (unlike other clients) - smaller buggs fixed v0.9 public beta - stats on hole query - ability to not show hidden files (some servers have problems with "LIST -al") - ability to get all foldercontents before transfer - add to favourit bug fixed - remote-popup option inserts also user, group, date & size - freespace check works v0.8 public beta - support of links (only tested on my local idea if it's working on all) - moveing, deleting of query-items will not effect the transfer anymore - passwords really hidden now (the ascii-shite is gone chriSz ;)) - history is now in the standartformat (LeapFTP-format suxx anyway) - YES I DID IT!!!! I think this might be the first win-ftp-client with color-support...some ftp-servers can give back colors in there results if switched on well only forground-colors are supported now but maybe l8r i will implant background-colors as well - FTP4All - support (again not very usefull cuz I can't find out the default values because I have no access to such a servers If u have please send me some loggs of the response of the commands the same for all other servers (WarFTP I also haven't done yet) v0.7 public beta - some other /0-bugs fixed - added some new features (can't list them all sorry) - commands do work almost perfectly now - ....brain goes empty its late.... v0.6 public beta - divide by zero bug fixed - glftpd-commands work now (still a bit buggy/not looking good...but all can be fixed by editing the ini-file now) - directory-listing bug fixed - much smaller stuff fixed v0.5 public beta - small bugs fixed v0.4 public beta - abitity to save changes made on downloaded files (Edit -> dl, open with editor, ul) - colors for logscreen can be spezified - log-window scrols again - many small buggs fixed - on fast lans it doesn't eat so much resorces (i hope since I have a modem for now only) - fixed a dl-bug (always transfered it in ascii-mode) - current dir-listing of VMS & NT machines. Again if u have problems with this email me - no more problems between different seasons (open new season) - "trying to connect" can be aborted - spell-errors removed (at least some, the rest of the german shite will be removed as soon as i install an english version of my compiler) v0.3 public beta - again my mind is weak v0.2 public beta (first released version) - can't remember the changes v0.1 - only close friends got this so jump around if u are one of them ;) Greetings --------- See About-Screen in program. What would I have been without u guys/girls ? ;) Contact ---------------------- I know that this Program has still some buggs but I try my best if I see someone cares. So please send me your bugs and suggestions to board www: or